Using Real Scientific Data in Visuals

When designing scientific visuals for the general public, there should to be a balance between using real scientific data and using visual shorthands that the general public will recognize. Click here to learn more about my process …

Gizmo Design Process – from Standard to Deliverable

At ExploreLearning I designed over 35 science and math Gizmos, interactive web-based teaching tools. I also created the pedagogic content for 14 biology Gizmos. Click here for a summary of the creative process through Gizmo design …

Using Simulation Data and Feedback to Drive Engagement and Learning

The interactive teaching tools, Gizmos, that I designed at ExploreLearning use a combination of simulations and interactivity to keep students engaged and learning. Click here to read more …

Gamification of Interactive Teaching Tools

When designing the Gizmos at ExploreLearning, I often used gamification techniques to increase student engagement. Click here to see some examples …

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